
Review of research of hydro-geomorphological processes interaction

  • 摘要: 揭示水文过程与地貌过程相互作用的定量关系是水文学家长期追求的目标,也是新国际水文10年PUB计划的重要内容之一。论述了建立这两者定量关系的统计综合途径和具有物理基础途径的思路方法与主要特点,述评一个多世纪以来,尤其是近30年来国外学者在这方面所作的研究,介绍了作者近年来在这方面所做的工作。


    Abstract: The interaction of hydro-geomorphological processes is a nature phenomenon universally observed.Revealing of the quantitative relationship between the two processes is the long-term goal of hydrologists,which also is one of the important tasks listed in the new International Hydrological 10-year PUB(Predictions in Ungauged Basins). The paper discusses the basic ideas and the main characteristics of statistical synthetic methods,as well as physics-based methods that establish the quantitative relationship between the two processes.For more than a century,especially over the past 30 years,the geomorphology-based hydrological methods developed by international scholars are commented on.The author's contributions to the subject in recent years are also highlighted.


