
Regulation,information and decision support for urban nonpoint source pollution management

  • 摘要: 城市非点源污染对中国水环境的威胁日益加剧。制度不健全、信息基础薄弱和缺少决策支撑是当前城市非点源污染管理的主要制约因素。短期内,改善城市非点源污染管理的首要任务是夯实信息基础。从长远来看,制度的完善是落实城市非点源污染管理的根本保障。发达国家在信息基础建设和制度设计方面的成果和经验对于中国城市非点源污染管理工作有重要的参考价值。此外,先进的决策支撑技术是管理获得预期成效的重要保障。国际上决策支撑技术研究的最新发展动态值得国内相关领域借鉴。


    Abstract: The effect of urban nonpoint source pollution(NSP)on Chinas'water quality is being increasingly intensified.However,the regulation of polution has not been well established yet. Institutional deficits,insufficient information and lack of decision supports have been identified as three major restrictive factors in the practice of urban NSP management. Over the short term,laying a solid foundation for pollution in formation would be the first priority for the improvement of urban NSP management practice,which could also inspire institutional innovation.The long-term goal should be the establishment of a perfect institutional system to effectively addressing Chinas'pollution problems.Experiences on the institutional design and regulatory in formation developm ent from developed countries can provide China with valuable and intuitive references on the subject. Furthermore,advanced decision support techniques are critical to the success of the management practices.The latest in ternational development of urban NSP management showsChina directions for future research.


