Water use assessment indices under the influence of return flows in irrigation districts
摘要: 为了正确评价灌区用水效率及用水效益,构建了考虑回归水重复利用的灌区用水效率及效益指标。利用地表水-地下水耦合模型、SWAP模型和线性模型对柳园口灌区的水量和作物产量进行了分布式模拟,在此基础上,对柳园口灌区不同用水模式以及田间不同节水灌溉模式下的灌区用水效率及效益指标进行了计算,分析不同节水措施对灌区用水效率及效益指标的影响规律。结果表明,井渠结合调控模式和田间节水灌溉模式对柳园口灌区不同区域用水效率及效益的影响效果不同,但均能提高灌区总体的用水效率及效益。Abstract: In order to accurately evaluate the water use efficiency in irrigation districts, several new indices were proposed to measure the efficiency and benefit of water use in this study.The water balance components are simulated using integrated surface and groundwater models in the Liuyuankou Irrigation District (LID).Thus, the new indices take into account the influence of return flows.The Statewide Agricultural Production (SWAP) model and a liner model are used to simulate the crop yields in the LID.On this basis, the indices measuring water use efficiency and benefit can be calculated and analyzed for different patterns of water-use. The influence of various water saving measures on the efficiency and benefit of water use is discussed.Results show that although, over different regions of LID, the results of well-canal combined irrigation mode and water-saving irrigation mode can be different in terms of water use efficiency.The use of both modes can improve the overall efficiency and benefit of water use in the LID.The study provides a theoretical method and theoretical basis for the water use assessment in irrigation districts.