
Effects of rainfall characteristics and micrometeorology on rainfall redistribution within Chinese red pine forest

  • 摘要: 为了研究降雨特征及小气候对秦岭天然次生油松林冠层降雨再分配的影响,连续3年观测降雨事件发生时油松林林外降雨、穿透降雨、树干茎流以及降雨特征和小气候因子,进行各因子间的相关性和多元回归分析。结果表明:降雨量级是影响林冠降雨再分配的最主要因素,穿透降雨量与降雨量、降雨量和降雨历时交互项、相对湿度呈正相关,与降雨历时和温度呈负相关。树干茎流量与降雨量、降雨量和温度交互项呈正相关,与温度呈负相关。林冠截留量与降雨量、降雨历时和温度呈正相关,与降雨量和降雨历时、温度的交互项呈负相关。雨前干燥期、风向、风速、蒸发速率、光合有效辐射和净辐射与穿透降雨量、树干茎流量和林冠截留量均无相关性。


    Abstract: The objective of this study was to understand the effects of rainfall characteristics and micrometeorology on rainfall redistribution within Chinese red pine (or Pinus tabulaeformis) forest.During growing seasons of 2006-2008, gross rainfall, throughfall, stemflow, and micrometeorology were directly observed from a naturally generated secondary coniferous forest in Qinling Mountains, China.Correlation and multiple regression methods were used to examine the relationships among those measured parameters.Results show that the rainfall class is the most important factor in rainfall partitioning.A positive correlation exists between the dependent variable throughfall and each of the following independent variables including rainfall, the interaction terms of rainfall and rainfall duration, and relative humidity.A negative correlation exists between throughfall and the rainfall duration, also between throughfall and temperature.The stemflow was positively correlated with rainfall, interaction terms of rainfall and temperature, negatively correlated with air temperature.There were positive correlations between interception loss and rainfall, rainfall duration, and temperature.There were negative correlations between canopy interception loss and the interaction terms of rainfall with rainfall duration, air temperature.Non-significant correlations were found between throughfall, stemflow, and interception loss with antecedent dry time, wind direction, wind speed, photosynthetic available radiation, and net radiation, respectively.


