The Three Gorges Project, with maximum dam height of 181m, has been designed for water level storage. During the design and construction period of the dam: ① Distinctive geological exploration, a variety of stability calculation method of comparative analysis and comprehensive engineering measures have been applied to solve the left bank dam stability against deep sliding; ② Arranging multilayer outlets to satisfy flood discharge of large flow with multiple tasks, orifice reinforcement is based on FEM; ③ Aggregate secondary-cooling, individual water filling system and surface heat preservation are adopted for temperature control and crack prevention of the dam; ④ Rich slurry concrete permeability control and embedded cooling pipe are used in the construction of roller compacted concrete; and, ⑤ Closed pump drainage and no cover load consolidation grouting are used for foundation treatment. We put forward the relevant problems needed to be further studied on the aspects of longitudinal joint structural integrity of the high gravity dam, dam heel stress and stress control criterion of dam, seismic damage mechanism by intensive earthquake and anti-seismic measures, etc. by analysis of longitudinal joint opening variation and the change rule of the dam heel stress due to the water level variation.