
Observations of the growth and decay processes of fast ice around Zhongshan Station in Antarctica

  • 摘要: 2005~2006年对南极中山站附近固定冰区海冰生消过程进行了系统观测。基于观测数据比较了2005年和2006年冰季固定冰生消过程的差异,分析了冰厚增长速率的日内变化和季节变化,讨论了积雪对固定冰生消的影响。2005年尽管冰生长期的负积温较大,但由于雪厚较大,其冰厚增长速率和最大冰厚都小于2006年的观测值;极夜期间冰厚增长速率的日内变化不明显,但极夜前和极夜后都存在明显的日内变化;中山站以北16km范围内的冰/雪厚度随离岸距离没有明显的变化趋势,但冰脊形成和冰山存在都会对局部的冰/雪厚度分布产生较大影响。


    Abstract: The growth and decay processes of fast ice around Zhongshan Station in Antarctica were observed for two ice seasons of 2005 and 2006.Daily variations in the ice growth rate and its seasonal dependence are analyzed using in situ data.Although,cumulative freezing degree days during ice growth season of 2005 was larger than that of 2006,as the thicker snow cover,the ice growth rate and the maximum ice thickness of the former ice season were sm aller than those of the later one.The daily variation in the ice growth rate was evident during the periods before and after the polar night, but not for the polar night period.There was not any significant trend for both sea ice thickness and snow thickness with in the area 16 km north of Zhongshan Station vs.the distance to shore.The occurrences of ice ridge and iceberg,however,have crucial influences on local thickness distribution both for sea ice and snow.


