
Estimation of snow water resources and its distribution in Xinjiang

  • 摘要: 应用2004—2010年EOS/MODIS遥感积雪监测资料,结合新疆89个气象站雪深、雪密度50年的观测记录,估算新疆冬季雪水当量,并对时空特征进行研究。结果表明:① 2004—2010年新疆年雪水当量最大峰值为368.83亿m3(2009—2010年)、最小峰值为93.91亿m3(2006—2007年),最大峰值是最小峰值的4倍左右,且6年中峰值出现的最早和最晚时间相差5旬。② 新疆雪水资源分布存在4个区域:南疆、东疆、伊犁和博州、北疆东北部,不同区域雪水当量峰值出现时间不同。新疆雪水当量峰值应该是4个区域峰值之和。③ 新疆雪水当量50年来呈现年际间的大幅波动,发展趋势沿着斜率为0.083 2的直线上升,表明雪水资源在逐年增多;波动幅度逐步加大,表明雪水资源偏少的年份有时也会发生。


    Abstract: In Xinjiang, snow constitutes a major water resource important to crop production, ranching, water supply, and other user needs. The snow water equivalent is estimated and its spatial-temporal distribution is analyzed using the MODIS (Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer) EOS (Earth Observing System) remote sensing data collected during 2004—2010, and a 50-year dataset of snow depths and densities from 89 meteorological stations in Xinjiang. The result shows that the maximum value of annual snow water equivalent in Xinjiang during 2004—2010 was about 36.883 billion m3, which occurred in the winter of 2009—2010; while the minimum value was only 9.391 billion m3, which occurred in the winter of 2006—2007. The difference between maximum and minimum is about four times, and the difference in the earliest and latest dates for the peak occurrence can be 50 days long. Snow water resources in Xinjiang is mainly distributed in four regions, which are South Xinjiang, eastern Xinjiang, Yili and Bozhou, northeast of North Xinjiang. The time of peak occurrence of snow water equivalent varies from region to region around Xinjiang. The peak value of snow water equivalent is the sum of peak values in the four regions. The snow water equivalent has fluctuated dramatically in past 50 years in Xinjiang. An upward trend with a slope of 0.083 2 in the snow water equivalent variation has been detected, which indicates that the snow water resource in Xinjiang has increased annually. A gradually increased fluctuation range indicates there may be years with less snow water resources.


