
Distribution of Extreme Storm Rainfall Values in China

  • 摘要: 暴雨极值是大型水利工程设计洪水重要依据之一。本文根据中国暴雨资料讨论了点暴雨量极值的主要内容,包括最大24小时点暴雨量、各历时最大点雨量、暴雨极值的季节变化;给出了大量最大点雨量记录图表;探讨了全国暴雨极值的地域分布规律及其影响因素。


    Abstract: Extreme rainfall storm values are most important for determining design floods of large water resource projects. Based on the storm data in China, some relevant problems of the extreme point rainfall storm values are discussed in this paper, including maximum 24 hr point rainfall, maximum point rainfall for different duration and seasonal variation of extreme values of rainfall storm. Numerous figures and tables of maximum point rainfall storm records are presented here in. In addition, spatial pattern of the rxtreme values and their influencing factors are also discussed.


