
Relationship Between Monthly 500hPa Height fields and Precipitation Fields Over China in Summer

  • 摘要: 本文使用1951~1985年的资料,用相关分析与回归分析研究了夏季逐月500hPa高度场与我国降水的关系,结果表明,它们存在着显著的相关关系,较强的相关区在东半球我国地区上空.其次,与此相关区位置相差约180度的西半球也有一强相关区,强度较东半球的弱.本文提出诊断强回归因子区的方法,它们出现地区与强相关区相同但范围缩小.在我国,可预报性较强的表现地区随月份有所不同.6月主要表现在黄河流域地区,7、8月在长江流域地区,无论是相关关系还是回归关系表现有较好的稳定性.


    Abstract: Correlation and regression analyses based on the data of the period 1951-1985 are employed for investigating the relationship between monthly 500hPa height fields and precipitation fields over China in summer. The results show that there is a significaat relationship between the two fields. An intense correlation area occurs in the eastern part of China, and another one is in the western part which is about 180 degrees longitude from the former. An area with an intense regression factor, which is diagnosed by the method proposed in this paper, is in the same location with the intense correlation area, but it is smaller. In China, the area where predictability is intensely represented varies with monthly. It is in the Yellow River basin in Junc, and in the Yangtze River basin in July and August. The relationship between the two fields in terms of either correlation or regression implies higher stability.


