
Progress and Protects of China’s Estuarine Hydrographic Studies

  • 摘要: 我国入海河口水文研究的进展主要表现在积累了大量实测资料,广泛开展了物理模型试验和数学模拟,在河口潮汐、潮流、盐淡水混合、余环流、波浪、风暴潮、泥沙等方面取得了很多研究成果。建议今后进一步完善河口水文观测站网,加强长时间序列观测,重视遥感技术等新技术的应用和学科间的相互渗透,在加强开发应用研究的同时,要重视对基础理论的研究。


    Abstract: The following are the major aspects of hydrographic studies of China's estuaries emptied into the sea: accumulated a large number data, develop widely the experiments of the physical models and mathematic simulations, and obtained much achievements of the estuarine tides, tidal current. salt-and fresh-water mixing, non-tidal circulation, wave, storm surge and sediment etc. aspects. The auth or suggests that we must improve the estuarine hydrographic observation station net, pay attention to the application of new techniques, such as the remote sensing and multi-discipline, strengthen the series observation for a long term, at the same time, pay attention to the basic theoretic study.


