Numerical Simulation of Flood Routing in the Xiaoqinghe Flood Plain
摘要: 本文应用数值模拟方法,对永定河中游的小清河分洪区内分洪时的洪水演进过程进行了模拟计算,在此基础上编制了该分洪区的洪水风险图,并研究了减少分洪区内生命财产损失的若干对策。实践证明,这种成果可作为防洪决策的基础,目前已被某些地区采用。Abstract: The flood flow resulting from the mitigation of the Xiaoqinghe flood-zone of the middle Yongdin river is numerically simulated by using finite difference method. Based on the obtained results,the flooding-risk maps for this area are worked out and some measures for reducing losses of life and property in the potentially inundated region are investigated. The practical experience shows that this type of results can be provided as a basis for in flood-control decision-making.