
Historical Climate Changes of the West China in the Holocene

  • 摘要: 本文在收集冰川、地质、沙漠、湖泊、树木年轮及历史文献记载等历史气候研究成果的基础上,给出了我国西部全新世以来气候变化序列。主要结果如下:1.全新世气候变化的总趋势按其演变可分为三个阶段。由中全新世向晚全新世的转变可能出现在3500年以前,比我国东部大约早500年,同时发现这种转变具有某种程度的突变性。2.全新世以来,千年尺度的气候振荡经历了6个寒冷期和5个温暖期。寒冷期分别在8700~7500a.B.P,5900~5400a.B.P,4200~3800a.B.P,3000~2700a.B.P,2000~1400a.B.P,1000a.B.P至今;温暖期分别为7500~5900a.B.P,5400~4200a.B.P,3800~3000a.B.P,2700~2000a.B.P,1400~1000a.B.P。千年尺度气候振荡的周期变化在1000~3000年之间。3.近千年来,百年尺度气候振荡的温度变化出现了6个低温期和5个高温期。低温谷值分别在公元1100's(1100~1109年),1310's,1480's,1680's,1830's,1950's;高温峰值分别在公元1220's,1390's,1570's,1780's,1900's,变化周期在120~210年之间。近千年中最冷的时期出现在17世纪中到18世纪初。近500年来,公元1480~1650年是我国西部降水最少、干旱频率最高的时期,出现了三次特大旱灾。18世纪前期是降水量较多的时期。近百年来,我国西北地区东部及华北地区出现了变干的趋势。


    Abstract: Based on the results of palaeoclimate studies on glaciers,geology,deserts,lakes,tree rings and historical documents etc,the sequences of climate changes since the holocene in the west China are given in this paper.The main results are as follows:1.The climate changes of the Holocene can be divided into three stages.The transition from the middle Holocene to the late Holocene might occur before 3500 years,which were 500 years earlier than that of the East China.Abrupt changes during the transitional period are also found.2.The climatical oscillations in a thousand-year-scale has experienced six cold stages and five warm stages since the beginning of Holocene,The cold stages were 8700a.B.P, 5900-5400a.B.P,4200-3800a.B.P,3000-2700a.B.P,2000-1400a.B.P,1000a.B.P,the present;and the warm stages were 7500-5900a.B.P,5400-4200a.B.P, 3800-3000a.B.P,2700-2000a.B.P,1400-1000a.B.P respectively.The climatical oscillation had a period of 1000-3000 years in a thousand-year-scale.3.In the recent 1000 years,the temperature change of the climatical oscillations in a hundred-year-scale has experienced six low temperature stages and five high temperature stages.The former were A.D.1100's,1310's,1480's,1830's,1950's.and the later were A.D.1220's, 1390's, 1570's, 1780's, 1990's, respectively.The pcriod of changes was 120-210 years.The coldest stage appeared from the middle 17th century to the early 18th century.For the past 500 years.the drought phase with the highest frequency appeared in A.D.1480-1650,and three most severe drought events 18th century.In the recent 100 years,there is a dry-tendency in the eastern parts of the Northwest China and the North China.


