Climatological Analysis of Rainstorm Characteristics in the Arid, Semi-Arid, and Desert Region of Middle-West Inner Mongolia
摘要: 本文对内蒙古中、西部干旱、半干旱及沙漠地区51个气象台站近30年暴雨气候资料进行了统计。分析了暴雨的时空分布特征;给出了暴雨强度极值;讨论了环流、天气尺度系统及地形对区域性暴雨形成和分布的影响。Abstract: based on the rainfall data for about 30 years at 51 stations in the middle-west of lnner Mongolia, the temporal and spatial characteristics of rainstorm in the arid, semi-arid, and desert region are analysed. The extremes of rainfall intensity are given. In addition, the effects of circulation situations, synoptic-scale systems.and topography on the genesis and patterns of the rainstorm are discussed.