
An Ongoing Environmental Strategy and Groundwater Environment

  • 摘要: 面对地下水环境日益恶化的现状,必须高瞻远瞩,从持续发展的战略高度,立足于永续利用的观点,探讨如何为后代留下一个较好的赖以生存的地下水环境问题.为此,应对地下水环境的特点、演化、容量、负载等问题进行深入研究;在此基础上,对不同自然和经济区域地下水环境的脆弱程度作出论证和评价;在兼顾经济、社会、生态效益的基础上,提出地下水环境功能保护区划,作为地下水科学管理的依据.


    Abstract: In the face of the present situation with ever-increasing deterioration of groundwater, geologists have to see far and wide to base themselves upon an everlasting use from the viewpoint of developing environmental strategy. A pressing problem is deeply probed of how keeping groundwater environment good for later existence. Consequently, the inquiry is to conduct intensive researches, in the field of characteristics, evolution, capacity and load of groundwater environment. Furthermore, the degree of weakness about such an environment is expounded and proved in the different natural and economic areas. The divisions of environmental function protection will be brought forward as the scientific basis of groundwater, management, and in accordance with concurrently economic, social and ecological benefits.


