Optimization of Reai-Time Hydrothermal System Operations
摘要: 提出综合考虑水、火电系统长、中、短期运行调度的实时优化调度模型.由于精细地考虑了发电库群调度的序贯决策特点、电力网的网损.发电设备检修及火电机组开停机组合等一系列系统特性,因而效益显著.用该模型对1987年江西省电网系统进行模拟运行,结果与实绩相比可节省燃料6%以上.Abstract: The real-time optimal operation model including long and short term operations of hydrothermal system is presented in this paper. The benifit from the model is remarkable because much characters about sequential decision of reservoir operation, power transmission loss, equipment maintenance and start-stopping of generating units are considered. Simulative operating in Jiangxi system in 1987 shows that the model can save more 6% of fuel.