
Galling into Question on the Current Method of Water-Quality Monitoring and Assessment

  • 摘要: 国内现行的水质监测是取瞬时水样作水质分析,不测流量。监测值是瞬时浓度值,测次愈少代表性愈差。以少数测次的监测结果作为基础的水质评价显然误差很大。针对这些问题进行了讨论.提出以统计浓度值代替瞬时浓度值的方法,并讨论了以污染物总量控制进行水质评价的方法。在沱江上游的水质评价中应用了统计浓度值方法,结果表明合理可行,有较大优点。


    Abstract: In the current practice,water-quality monitoring is usually based on analysis of sampling at the instantaneous moment,without measuring water discharges.Thus,the monitoring values obtatined can only represent the instantaneous concentration of pollutant.The less the number of times of monitoring,the less adequate the representative values are.This would result in incorrect water-quality assessments,because they are based on only a few data which cannot be taken as adequate and appropriate.In this paper,the current method is discussed and a new method based on a concept of statistical concentration of water quality is proposed.Some questions on water quality assessment by the method of total quantity control of pollutant are also addresed.The new method was applied to the water quality assessment in the upper reach of Tou River,Sichuan Province.The result was found to be quite reasonable and feasible.


