
New Knowledge on Sediment Transport Capacity of the Lower Yellow River

  • 摘要: 综述了10a来利用高含沙水流特性治理黄河下游河道的研究进展,其中包括黄河水沙变化趋势,高含沙洪水的输沙特性,阻力特性,河槽形态调整变化规律,河道特性与来水来沙之间的关系;改造下游宽浅河道的最优水沙组合,水库调水调沙运用原则,及治理前景等内容.如能实现,下游河道淤积可大幅度减少,输沙用水可大量节省,黄河水资源可得到充分利用,并能形成窄深稳定的新河槽.


    Abstract: This paper reviews harnessing of the Lower Yellow River based on the characteristics of hyperconcentrated flows, including the tendency of water and sediment changes in the river, transport features of hyper-concentrated flows resistance properties laws of river processes, relationships between river channel geometries and incoming water and sediment, optimal composition of water and sediment to remodel the wide and shallow course of the Lower Yellow River, operation criteria to regulate water and sediment in reservoirs, harnessing measures, etc. when the harnessing is realized, the deposition in the Lower Yellow River can be descreased significantly, the water used for transporting sediment can be saved largely, the water resources can be utilized fully, and a new narrow, deep and stable channel will be formed.


