
An Optimal Operation Model for Pumping and Storage Irrigation Systems

  • 摘要: 为解决我国南方岗地多级抽水灌溉系统灌溉保证率偏低、系统中工程效益发挥差等问题,以一具体灌溉系统为例,用系统分析的方法建立了大系统站库联合优化调度数学模型.模型中将多维动态规划模型与模拟模型等优化技术相结合,巧妙地解决了灌溉水量时、空协调优化调度问题.实例表明:该模型的应用能充分发挥系统中各骨干工程的作用,提高系统的灌溉保证率.模型为提高类似灌溉系统的灌溉效益提供了新的研究途径.


    Abstract: To solve the problems of low dependability of irrigation and less efficient operation of irrigation projects in pumping and storage irrigation systems, this paper presents an optimal operation model for a typical system in South Cnina. The model consists of a multi-dimension dynamic programming model, a simulation model, and some other optimization models, which can be used to provide optimal allocation ofirrigation water in time and space effectively. The case study has confirmed that the application of the model can increase dependabilites of irrigation and economic beaifits of the irrigation projects. The model provides a new way of increasing irrigation benifits for the similar systems.


