
Explicit Accelerated-Convergence Algorithms for Steady Shallow Water Flows

  • 摘要: 恒定浅水流动计算常较非恒定流更困难,主要原因是收敛慢.本文探讨了应用计算流体动力学中五种加速措施的可能性,并结合水流问题的特点作了相应修改.根据数值试验结果,推荐应用局部时间、残差光滑及多重网格三种方法,并通过试算确定计算稳定性许可的临界Cr和Δt值.选用适当的加速措施,可使计算量减少30%~50%乃至更多.


    Abstract: Computations of steady shallow water flows are often perceived to be more difficult than unsteady ones due to low-rate convergence to steady states. This paper explores the possibility of utilizing five methods from CFD to accelerate the convergence, with some elaborate modifications peculiar to water flows. Based on numerical experiments, local time-stepping, redidual smoothing, and multigrid methods are recommended, in conjunction with the use of a critical value of CFL number determined through trial computations. By choosing an appropriate approach for a specific problem, a 30%-50% or even larger reduction in computational effort can be achieved.


