A Model for the Optimal Design of Flood Control Reservoir
摘要: 针对水库防洪设计常用的设计洪水地区组成法所存在的问题,应用概率论原理,建立了考虑水库泄流和下游区间洪水洪峰流量的各种可能遭遇情况,提出了水库防洪优化设计概率约束规划模型,并应用求解有约束非线性规划问题的可变容差法进行模型求解.实例计算结果表明,所建立的模型是合理的,求解技术可行且结果正确.Abstract: This paper proposes a probabilitic constrained programming mcdel for the optimal design of flood control reservoir. The model explicitly considers a set of probability constaints on the occurrences of reservoir flood and local flood. The iiexible tolerance algorithm is applied to solve the proposed model. An example shows its successful application.