
Hydraulic Analysis of An Emergency Gate at Hydroelectric Station Intake

  • 摘要: 主要分析水电站进水口快速闸门在动水关闭过程中流量、临界开度和闸门受水流作用力(闸顶水压力、闸底水压力和闸门水平压力)等问题。根据模型试验所观测的水力现象和非恒定流计算理沦,提出了计算电站闸门、引水管道的水力参数(流量、水头和通气孔水位等)的数学模型。实例计算结果和模型试验结果基本吻合。


    Abstract: This paper mainly analyses the discharges and critical gate opening regulated by shutting of an emergency gate installed in a hydroelectric, station intake, and the hydraulic forces on the top, bottom and plate of the gate. Biased on observations of a hydrualic model test for the emergency gate shutting in flowing water and unsteady flow theory, a mathematical model has been established for simulating the hydraulic process of gates, draw-in conduits ad turbines. The computational results of some examples showed a satisfactory agreement with the observed ones.


