
A Conceptual Flow-Sedimentation Coupled Simulation Model for Large Basins

  • 摘要: 根据黄河中游、北方干旱地区流域的超渗产流水文特征和冬季积雪的累积及融化机制,提出了中大流域水流模拟模型,结合黄土地区小流域坡面产沙、汇沙和沟蚀产沙、汇沙计算公式,构成了中大流域水沙耦合模拟物理概念模型。该模型较好地处理了北方干旱地区中大流域用下渗曲线计算地面径流中存在的观测资料缺乏、数据处理量太大两大难题;考虑了大流域气候、下垫面因素空间的不均匀性和雨洪径流产沙与融雪径流产沙间的差异。经流域实测资料的模拟检验表明,模型结构较合理,模拟结果较好。


    Abstract: A conceptual flow-sedimentation coupled simulation model for large basins was structured by combining the conceptual equations for interrill and rill-gully soil erosion,and its transport formulations which all described in paper 2 with, a conceptual flow simulation model for large basins which was proposed in this paper accordirag to characteristics of runoff yields from excess rainfall and processes of snow accumulation and its melt in arid regions of North China. Two difficult problems,lacldng of recorded precipitation data. and too many observed data to treat in simulating flow and sedimentation of a large basin in arid regions, were dealt relatively well with in the model. And the ununiform of some climatic and geomorphologic factors and the different effects of nunoff resulted respectively from rainfall and snow melt on sediment yields were considered. The model was tested with two large basins, and the results were shown that the model structure are resonable,and the simulation of flow and sedimentation were very satisfactory compared to the observed data.


