
Characteristics of Environmental Water around Dam Sites in Wanzhe Mountains

  • 摘要: 大坝建成水库蓄水,坝址水环境发生明显变化,致使水岩间相互作用加剧。在渗透压力作用下,弱酸性的水库底层水侵蚀力加强;水对岩石和混凝土的作用造成了坝基地下水的酸性和碱性化;坝基地下水地球化学环境的改变,是造成坝基排水孔胶状析出物排出的主要原因。大坝两侧岸坡和坝基地下水坡降增大,绕坝渗漏的存在,是造成大坝岸坡坝基不稳定的主要因素。


    Abstract: The intensifying interactions between water and rock in the environmental water around some dam sites in China are studied in the paper. Case studies show that the behaviour of the environmental water have been altered significantly since the dams were built and the reservoirs were impounded. The changes consist in(1)Weak acidification of the water on the bottom of reservoirs;(2) Alkalizationor acidification of the ground water under dam foundations;(3)Discharge of eluates occurring at or near the top of some drainage holes drilled into dam foundation; (4)Dissolutio n of curtains;C5)Growth of local uplift pressure values beyond design ones;etc. All these would have important influcence on dam safety,and therefore should attract enough attention.


