
Methodology of Fuzzy Sets Analysis to Hydrologic System from Research on Flood Period Description

  • 摘要: 论述了水文系统模糊集分析的哲学基础,提出了水文成因、概率统计、模糊集分析相结合的确定汛期隶属函数的综合性方法。从汛期描述的研究,阐述了水文系统模糊集分析的基本方法论。


    Abstract: This paper discusses the philosophy basis of fuzzy sets analysis to hydrologic system. The comprehensive methods for determining the membership function of flood period is put forwards by combining hydrologic cause of formation and probability statistics with fuzzy set analysis. In addition, the paper expounds elemental methodology of fuzzy sets analysis to hydrologic system from research on flood period description.


