
Characteristic Analysis of Rainfall Spatial Variability on Small Catchments in Loess Regions

  • 摘要: 利用黄土地区雨量站网较密,控制条件较好的小流域资料,统计分析了5min、15min、30min、60min时段降雨及次降雨空间变化的点面关系、频率特征及结构特征,研究了时段降雨分布同次降雨分布的内在联系,为进一步在产流模拟计算中的应用提供了基础。


    Abstract: Rainfall spatial variability is one of the major factors affacting the spatial variation of runoff production in loess regions. Some characteristics of rainfall spatial variability including point-area reduction relationship,frequency and structure are analyzed by using rainfall intensity data of 5,15,30 and 60 minutes durations observed on small catchments with highy dense rain gauge stations and good observation conditions. The internal relationshop between interval intensity and event rainfall are also studied. The results will provide a basis for the modelling of runoff production on small loess catchments.


