Water Vapour Transport and Hydrologic Cycle in the Sanxi Province
摘要: 利用山西省周边共8个探空站的实测资料,计算了山西省上空1959年~1992年的水汽含量和1990年的水汽收支与水汽输送通量,包括总输送、切变输送、时间涡动输送、平均输送等分量。在此基础上建立了山西省水分循环和水量平衡模型。结果表明,山西上空水汽含量年内干湿变化大于全国平均情况,多年变化存在一定的丰枯阶段性;年水汽净输入量约690亿m3,主要从西边界和南边界输入,从东边界输出,涡动输送量是主要输入机制,平均输送是主要输出机制,受强西风环流控制;山西的自然地理条件使其对大气水资源的利用率为30%,低于全国平均利用率;山西水分内循环较全国平均情况强盛,由于水分内循环的作用,可使当地蒸发形成的降水量占全年总降水量的15%;地下水开采已对大气水分循环要素产生影响,进而可能对山西省自然环境的变化产生负效应。这些事实增进了对山西省水资源的水文和水文气候学背景的认识。Abstract: The atmospheric moisture content and water vapour transport flux over the Sanxi Province has been computed,the results show that the seasonal variation of moisture content is more obvious than those of other regions in China and some cyclical processes seem to exist in the secular variation;the annual net-inflow amount of atmospheric moisture in 1990 is about 5350×108 m3 with coming mainly from the west-south boundary and escaping mainly from the east boundary. Based on the computation of atmospheric moisture content,water vapour transport and other hydrologic balance components,a hydrological cycle model of the Sanxi Province has been developed. The model shows some characteristics of hydrological cycle in the Sanxi Province:(1)The use rate of atmospheric moisture is about 30%which is lower than the average use rate of the whole country;(2) The contribution of precipitation formed by local evaporation to the total precipitation is about 15%,showing the hydrologic re-cycle is active,especially more active than those of the area south to Yangtze River Basin;(3) The influence of groundwater minig on hydrologic cycle components has became visible,which may feat to some harmfuleffects for the environment.