Numerical simulation of flow-sediment transport on the river-lake in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River
摘要: 以长江中下游防洪系统为对象,在大型复杂防洪系统洪水运动数值模拟基础上,成功地将面向长江中下游防洪规划论证需求的洪水演进数学模型转化为面向长江防洪系统江湖水沙调控需求的长江中下游江湖水沙调控数学模型.为适应江湖水沙调控和评估的要求,提出了基于水动力学的闸坝调度计算模式.此外,还对河网分汊泥沙分配模式进行了深入研究.通过长江中下游防洪规划及其洞庭湖区"控支强干"方案论证模拟计算,较好地解决了防洪措施蓄泄后效评估和工程优化调控模式等关键难题,为防洪规划方案的制定提供了定量依据,主要成果已应用于长江中下游防洪规划方案.Abstract: Using the flood control system in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River as study objects,a numerical model for the smiulation of flow-sedmient transport rates in the rivers and lakes of the reaches is presented.The model is a further development of the numerical flood module that is part of a complex flood control system and able to provide information for flood control planning.A dam module based on hydrodynamics is embedded into the numerical model to forming an integrated modeling system.The latter is used to study the control of flowsed mient transport rates under different planning requirements.In addition,a distribution modeling study of sediment transport through distributed channels is carried out.The integrated system is used to evaluate the flood control plan in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River,as well as to simulate the control branch streng then main stream program in the Dong ting lake region.The result shows that the integrated system is able to effectively address key issues such as assessing the effectiveness of flood control projects and the procedure for optmiizing the projects.Quantitative information can thus be provided by the system for flood control planning.Our results have been used in the planning of flood control projects for the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River.