
GIS and Its Application in Hydrology and Water Resources

  • 摘要: 简要介绍了地理信息系统(GIS)和近十年来GIS在水文水资源领域中的应用。讨论了在具体应用中,如何选择GIS软件包。作为个例,介绍了爱尔兰国立大学都柏林学院水资源研究中心应用地理信息系统——ARC/INFO开发研究的流域水管理决策支持系统。


    Abstract: In this paper,the questions,such as what is a GIS (Geographical Information System)?what can a GIS do? and how to select GIS in an application? were discussed.The applications of GIS in hydrology and water resources in last decade were also summarised briefly.Finally,the Decision Support System for Water Management at Catchment scale(DSS-C W M)Based on GIS (the ARC/INFO method),which was developed by the Centre for Water Resources Research,University College Dublin,Ireland,was introduced as a case study.


