
Study of Field Mulching Techniques for Soil Moisture Conservation

  • 摘要: 介绍了国内外的田间覆盖技术措施应用及理论研究现状。目前,研究土壤水热运移模型大致可分为等温模型和非等温模型两大类。分析和论述了两类模型代表模式及其特点;详细论述了地面覆盖对土壤表面水、汽、热状况的影响,以及不同覆盖材料,不同覆盖方式对土壤水热运移的影响;简述了二维土壤水热耦合模型及数值模拟计算。在总结已有研究成果基础上,提出了需进一步探讨的问题。


    Abstract: This paper introduces status of practical and theoretical study of the field mulching techniques at home and abroad.The models of the soil water and heat transfer are classified into two kinds:isothermal and non-isothermal.The representative models of these models and their features are analysed and described.The effects of surface mulch on the water,vapor and heat regime at the soil surface and the influence of different mulch material and different ways of mulching on soil water and heat transfer,and the two dimensional coupled soil water and heat models of numerical simulation are detailed.On the basis of summarising the results studied,some problems which need to be further researched are recommended.


