
Probabilistic Planning Model of Water Pollution

  • 摘要: 采用概率模型,从污染源的排放,污染物在水体中的扩散、混合,河道径流的随机特性等入手,在充分考虑水体的扩散、稀释、降解的条件下,以满足一定的保证率为前提,使整个河道各控制断面的水质标准达到要求的指标,使用概率模型既可以满足环境保护的要求,又可以对污染的水处理提出合理的要求,从环境上和经济上均可达到最佳效益。模型用于四川省沱江的水质规划,结果合理。


    Abstract: This paper presents a stochastic waste water quality management model. This model finds the economically optimized treatment efficiency for each discharge source along a river while maintains the risks of water quality in the river below prescribed bounds..It takes into account over all the amount of effluent waste,diffusion,mixing processes of the waste in water,and especially,the stochastic property of the river flow,and gives the optimal beneficial result both environmently and economically. This model was applied to Tuojiang basin in Sichuan Province.


