Wave-current interaction effects on velocity profiles and influencing factor analysis
摘要: 大量波流相互作用的实验表明,当波浪顺流传播时,平均水面附近的流速减小,而当波浪逆流传播时,平均水面附近的流速增加.为了从理论上解释这种现象,从垂向二维Navier-Stokes方程出发,推导出波浪、潮流共同作用下的水流控制方程;采用微幅波理论简化控制方程,并引入Grant-Madsen波流边界层模型,得到波流共同作用下的紊动切应力及流速垂线分布表达式.通过和实验结果及数值结果的对比,结果预测值和实测值较为吻合,表明公式能反映波高变化及涡粘系数共同对流速垂线分布的影响,且简单实用.利用该公式分析了波浪顺流、逆流流速变化的原因.Abstract: Many laboratory expermients on wave-current interaction have shown that a reduction in the current intensity is achieved when the wave propagate in the direction of the current,while the opposite is true when the current flowing in the opposite direction of the wave propagation.In this study,the expressions for the boundary shear stress and the velocity profile under the influence of wave-current interaction are derived to expla in the laboratory observed phenomena.The expressions are the Navier-Stokes equation based,which use the small am plitude wave theory as sumption and incorporate with the Grant Madsen model for wave-current bottom boundary layer flow.The result shows that our expressions are able to smiulate the in fluence of wave height and viscosity on velocity profiles,and the smiulation coincides with the observation.Also,our expressions are simple and practical com pared to other wave-current models.Using the expressions,an influencing factor analysis is performed on the laboratory observed phenomena,and the result is presented.