Senstive Index of Jensen’s Water Production Function Model of Wheat
摘要: 根据冬小麦返青后田间水量平衡估算出田间作物实际腾发量和最大腾发量,由此,对水分生产函数Jensen分阶段连乘模型中的敏感指数进行了拟合分析。研究表明,Jensen模型中的敏感指数与作物生长阶段以及该阶段长短占总生长期的比例有关,但冬小麦返青后各阶段的敏感指数的累计值可以表示为时间t的一元函数,且与阶段划分无关,由该函数可得到任一阶段的敏感指数值。分析结果还表明,Jensen模型可以较好地反映作物田间耗水量与产量的关系。Abstract: This paper calculates the actual and potential evaportranspiration of wheat based on the field water balance. furthermore,the sensitive index of Jensen's water production function model is analyzed. the result shows that the sensitive index is related to the growing stage duration of the crop and the ratio of each stage to the whole growing period. The accumulated sensitive index of each grow stage after green can be expressed as a function of time,but it is not related to the stage devision. Sensitive index of each stage can be easily calculated from the stage deviion. Sensitive index of each stage can be easily calculated from the function. The result also shows that the relation between crop water consumption and crop yield can be expressed by the jensen's model quite well.