
Review on Regional Evaporation

  • 摘要: 概述了区域蒸发近年来的研究进展,包括目前估计区域蒸发的4个方面,即①单点蒸发测定的精确化;②利用遥感信息提取参数;③CBL模型模拟地-气水汽交换通量;④植被-大气相互作用模型与区域大气模型结合,模拟区域水分和热量平衡.这些方法从影响区域蒸发的不同方面探讨估算方法,但由于区域尺度下垫面特征的空间变异性,蒸发过程的不确定性,区域蒸发过程仍有待深入认识.本文分析了这些方法的原理和优点,同时也指出了其中存在的问题和今后的研究方向.


    Abstract: A review of advances in regional evaporation research in recent years is presented,which includes four aspens:①measuring much more accurate point evaporatton,②obtaining surface meteorological and geographical information from remote sensing,③using CBL model for exchange of vapour between land surface and mixed layer,④improving land surface parameterization scheme in regional model for basin water and heat balance.These methods approach regional evaporation processes at different direction,which presents a more impressed understanding of regional evaporation.Because of the heterogeneity of land surface characteristics and complexity of evaporation processes,there are still some shortcomings and need improvement in these methods.


