
Review on Mechanism of Estuary Front Abroad

  • 摘要: 回顾了国外河口锋面研究的最新成果,阐述了河口羽状锋、河口潮汐混合锋和河口切变锋的动力机制.河口羽状锋的机制研究以Garvine等人的观点最为特出.河口潮汐混合锋是由河口垂向环流中水体密度梯度所引起.河口切变锋是由滩槽流速切变引起的.


    Abstract: This article reviews the most recent research on esturary front abroad and discusses the mechanism of tidal mixing fronts,plume fronts and shear front.The estuary tidal mixing fronts are the results of horizontal density gradient being effected by the estuarine vertical circulent.The shear fronts are due to velocity shearing with different density of water body.


