
A Study of the Uranium Contents in Er-Sea and Nanming River on Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau Using Fission Track Method

  • 摘要: 为确定云贵高原洱海和南明河中铀的含量及污染程度,从洱海和南明河中污染程度不同的地段采集两类水样,在核反应堆中经热中子辐照,使铀裂变碎片在固体径迹探测器上产生径迹,并用NaOH蚀刻.通过光学显微镜观测径迹数,结果表明:南明河水中铀含量远大于洱海.通过南明河与国内外其它河流的对比,讨论了铀污染的情况.


    Abstract: To determine the uranium contents and discuss the degree of uranium polution in Er-Sea and Nanming River on Yannan-Guirhou Pltaeau,two kinds of water samples collected from the part with different degree of contamination in Er-Sea and Nanming River are radiated by slow neutron in a nuclear reactor.The tracks of uranium decay fragements in the water samples are produced in SSNTU and etched by NaOH.The number of fission tracks is counted under a microscope.the result shows that the uranium content in Nanming River is more greater than Er-Sea.The situation of uranium polution in Nanming River and other rivre at home and foreign is also discussed in light of comparison among them.


