
Scientific Thought of Water Controlling in Ancient China

  • 摘要: 根据农业发源于山区的考古结论,指出中国古代存在一个近两千年的治水过程,也是农业由山区转移到平原的过程,同中国古代文化的形成过程有着十分密切的联系.中国古代治水也是有别于其它文明古国的特殊气候与地理条件下的重大事件.进而论证治水在中国古代物质与精神文明形成过程中的促进作用,并指出现代人水关系的基本原理可在古代治水中找到借鉴.


    Abstract: The article indicated that in ancient China there existed a period of water controlling lasted almost 2000 years,marking the particular process of spreading agriculture from high land to plain.This magnificient historical event discriminates between China and the other famous countries of ancient civilization in the world and gives highest vitality to Chinese people for sustainable existence over several thousand of years.The prosperity of Chinese ancient civilization,including the more or less perfect Chinese form of primitive dialectic philosophy,as an active facfor in the development of science and technology,might originate from the hisrorically important water controlling engineering.The article points our that the basic principle of the relationship between the modern and water can be found in the water controlling in ancient time,despite they are in different stages of development for human society.


