
Study on the Water Resources Assessment Indexes System

  • 摘要: 在近20年来不同流域和地区水资源评价工作的基础上,指出若干具有普遍意义、待研究改进的新问题,提出了包括自然、人文、经济、管理等方面的简要评价指标体系,应用两种计算方法,并选取国内7个县市为代表进行了试评价分析.


    Abstract: On the basis of reviewing the water resources assesgn ent research in the last two decades, the paper remarks several inportant problems to be further investigated and puts forward a proposal of building up a system of appraisal indices. This paper introduces the initial results of a group's research. A fairly sinple system,including relatively all-round naturogeographical and engineering-economical characterictics, features and their regimes, is provided to evaluate the level of utilization availability and sufficientness to meet the human dem and of water resources for a definite district. Two operating methods were applied and recommended to judge the water resources of 7 representative counties selected from different corners of China as illustrating examples.


