
Yangtze River Flood Control Decision Support System——Database and Information Query System

  • 摘要: 针对长江防洪决策支持系统的需要,在分析研究防洪决策支持系统数据库和信息查询特点以及开发方法的基础上,采用先进的系统开发方法和可视化的编程工具,在微型计算机上使用Windows开发平台完成了水情数据库、工程数据库的开发和部分信息查询系统的程序设计.所建数据库和信息查询系统是一个内容丰富、数据结构复杂的子系统,也是一个数据规范性较强、结构合理、具有较高灵活性、可维护性和可扩充性的子系统.


    Abstract: The work is a part of the study on the Yongtze River Flood Control Decision System. According to the special requirement of the project, the character of the Database and Information Query System of Decision Support System for the flood control and research methods are carefully analyzed, the advanced method of system development and visual program making software are used for this purpose. The Database of Water Regime and Water Resources Projects are established on the Windows Workstation in microcomputer, the part of the Information Query System is designed, and the program is made. The Database and Information Query System developed are such subsystem that they can be used for a large number of data and complicated relationship in the data. The data formats are in conversion and the constructions of these systems are reasonable. These subsystem are easy to use, maintain and extend.


