A quantitative analysis of climate change impacts on runoff in Naoli River
摘要: 三江平原位于黑龙江省东北部,是中国沼泽湿地集中分布区且面积最大的区域,挠力河作为该区域的一条典型沼泽性河流,其径流演变过程受到气候变化和人类活动的双重影响.文中利用水量平衡法和降水-径流经验模型,定量分析了变化期气候变化对径流的影响,并比较了两种方法的优劣性,研究结果表明:50年来挠力河变化期(1968~2005年)内的年径流量的变化大约40%是由气候变化引起.气候变化对径流量影响的主导因素是降水量的变化,降水量变化对宝清站和菜嘴子站径流量减少的贡献率分别为43%和35%,蒸发量变化对两水文站径流量减少的贡献率为10%左右.利用水量平衡法研究气候变化对河流径流量的影响,其研究结果要优于一般的降水-径流经验模型法,但经验模型也不失为一种快速且简便的方法.Abstract: The Sanjiang(three rivers) Plain is situated on the northeastern part of Heilong jiang Province.The plain embraces most concentrated marsh lands and is the largest in China.The Naoli River is a typical marsh river on the Sanjiang Plain; its hydrological regime is largely a ffected by the dual factor of clmiate change and human activities.In this paper,the water balance method and empirical model are used to establish the rainfall runoffre lationship on the Naoli River.Discussions on the advan tages and disadvantages of the two approaches are given.The results show that about 40% of changes in mean annual runoffduring the period 1968 2005 are the results of climate change through the reduction in precipitation for the same period.For example,at Baoqing and Caizuizi stations,43% and 35% decreasing in mean annual runoff can be attributed to the reduction in precipitation,while the evaporation change is only responsible for 10% of such change.Our study also indicate that the water balance method may possess certain advantages over the empirical model,the latter can still be considered to be a quick and easy approach to the subject after all.