
Research on Irrigation Water Delivery Models

  • 摘要: 研究了灌溉系统供水计算模型.将灌区内作物概化为水稻和旱作物两种,分别以水量平衡原理和土壤水分模拟理论为基础建立稻田和旱作物灌溉供水计算模型.模型中所需要的参数如水文气象、土壤和作物参数均可通过分析历史资料或实测得到.模型系统可进行实时计算操作,并可预测下次灌溉方案,并在取得实测资料后对原预报方案进行实时修正,从而编制实时灌溉方案.模型还可研究灌溉系统内各子系统的优化供水流量和优化轮灌方案.


    Abstract: This paper mainly deals with water delivery models in the irrigation sy stems.First,Crop pattern in the irrigation area was categorized into paddy and upland croes.Based on water balance and soil moisture simulation theory,the irrigation water delivery models both for paddy and upland croes were established.Secondly,the parameters in the models such as hydrometeorology,soil and croes were obtained through historic data analysis or field measurement.The studied models can be calculated in real-time basis,and can forecast and revise next irrigation schedule,cording to real data.Finally,the optimum real-time irrigation schedule were achieved.The optimum canal discharge and irrigation rotation schedule were also studied in the models.


