
A Study on Real Time Irrigation Forecasting in the Zhanghe Irrigation Schome

  • 摘要: 介绍了逐日参考作物蒸发蒸腾量和实际作物蒸发蒸腾量的分析计算与预测方法,提出了水稻需水量预测和实时灌溉预报的通用模型,并对实时灌溉预报的方法、步骤以及所需的实时资料进行了讨论.所提出的计算机程序手段先进,实用方便,通用性强.


    Abstract: This paper introduces the estimating and forecasting methods of daily reference crop and rice evapot ranspiration and presents the real-time irrigation scheduling models for general use.The procedures and informations are suggested to provide a real-time irrigation scheduling service.The case study shows that the menudriven worksheet program is rigorous and simple to apply.


