
A Study of Water Resources Evaluation in the North and Northwest China

  • 摘要: 指出了用水文统计法确定的“水资源总量”难以将西北干旱地区与我国东部地区水资源作出合理的比较分析.只有考虑了土壤水这一重要水资源分量才能予以改进,因为两地的土壤水在水文统计中有不同的含义.在干旱地区,土壤水主要来自灌溉水,即“水资源总量”的一部分;而在华北等地,它主要来自降水,未能统计在“水资源总量”中.


    Abstract: This paper indicates that the water resource in the Northwest arid region is in comparable with that in the other regions of China,if "the total water resource" of hydrological statistics is used as an index.A more reasonable result may be obtained only in case of including the soil water as an important component of water resource,because of that the soil water can maintain the growth of wild vegetation and the evaporation from earth surface in the eastern regions of China,while in arid regions such water consumption come only from "the total water resource".


