Study of Losses of Fertilizaer in Drained Agricultural Lands: Present Status and Prospect
摘要: 探讨排水对化肥流失的影响;减少排水条件下化肥流失的合理施肥措施及排水方式。根据现有研究成果,从排水条件下化肥流失的野外试验研究和数值模拟研究两方面进行了论述,在此基础上提出该项研究需进一步探讨和解决的问题,为该课题的深入研究提供了有利条件。Abstract: The aim of the study of losses of fertilizer in drained lands is to investigate the influence of drainage on leaching of fertilizer and explore rational measures of fertilizer application and effective drainage design and management practices for reducing ferlilizer losses from the drainage effluent.In this paper the advances of research both in field experimental study and numerical simulation of fertilizer losses in drained lands are reviewed,and the major to pics to be further investigated are discussed.