Experience and enlightenment from the emergency risk-elimination practice on the Kama reservoir
摘要: 2009年汛期,广西河池卡马水库右岸溢洪道附近发生垮塌,大坝安全风险骤然增加.在应急除险实践中,同时对大坝不同状态进行了有限元渗流分析及采用非线性指标进行边坡稳定分析,初步确定出险位置可能处于放空洞中段,在此基础上,对水库溃决风险进行了分析,得出了风险决策依据,从而提出减灾措施,有效降低了水库溃决的风险.从卡马水库的应急处置出发,探讨了中国水库应急除险的关键技术,并提出了中国水库安全管理相关的一些重要问题.Abstract: During the flooding season of 2009,the Kama reservoir of Guangxi Autonomous Region experienced an emergency situation.The dam safety risk was at all time high.While emergency actionswere taking place,the state of the dam was studied using the finite-element seepage analysis and the slope stability analysis was also conducted using the nonlinear index approach.The study revealed that the damage position was likely located in the mid portion of the diversion tunnel.Such a diagnostic is particularly desirable in the evolution of damsafety risk assessment and in the subsequent decision making.As the result,proper measures to eliminate the risk were determined,and the risk of dam break was effectively reduced.The experience obtained from the emergency riske lmiination practice on the Kam a reservoir and the associated key techniques can serve as a typical case for addressing the important issues in the management of reservoir safety in China.