
Application of GIS to Hydrology and Water Resources Management

  • 摘要: 介绍了地理信息系统的概念及近年来在水文学及水资源管理领域中的应用研究动态。将地理信息系统技术在这一领域的应用概括为数据信息的管理与分析、水文模拟、水资源与环境管理以及与高新技术及理论的结合运用四个方面。结合实例闸述了地理信息系统在上述四个方面的应用情况。针对应用中存在的问题以及计算机技术和信息技术的发展前景提出了今后水文学及水资源管理领域地理信息系统技术应用发展的建议。


    Abstract: This paper introduces the conception of GIS and the state of GIS applicadons to the hydrology and the water resources management, and summarizes and reviewes the applications of GIS to the hydrology and the water resources management by means of a number of examples including the data management, hydrological modelling, water resources and environment management, and applications of advanced technique and theory.A ccording to there are existed problems in the applications and the prospects of computer technique and information technique some suggestions are proposed to apply GIS to the hydrology and the water resources management in the future.


