
Real Time Flood Control Hydrological Information Transmission System in the Huaihe River Basin

  • 摘要: 详细介绍了淮河流域防汛实时水情信息传输系统的形成,系统的信道、构成和功能,系统硬件配置及软件开发,运行情况和系统的效益。


    Abstract: The real-time flood control hydrological information transmission system in the Huaihe River Basin was built by a public packet switching data network which is a new technology, and has been supplied by post and teleco mmunication bureau recently and widely appliced abroad as a communication medium.The application of this system has changed the long-time lagging situation of transmitting the real-time flood control hydrological information by using lowspeed telex and has produced obviously social and economical benefits.This paper fully introduces the system's backg round, communication channels, constructions, functions, hardware conbination, software development, running situatio n and benefits.


