
Studies on Moving of Oncomelania in Water

  • 摘要: 钉螺迁移是导致血吸虫病蔓延的根本原因。研究水中钉螺的迁移规律,对控制血吸虫病流行极为重要。采用模型实验和现场观测两种方法,对水中钉螺的迁移规律进行了大量详实的分析研究,得出钉螺的大量、特别是远距离迁移是借助水流完成的。水中钉螺的迁移方式主要有三种:悬移质或推移质形式迁移,以及随漂浮物迁移。


    Abstract: Moving of Oncomelania is the basicway spreading schistosomiasis.It is very necessary for schistosomiasis control to study the motion law of Oncomelania in water.Both the model experunent and the field observation have been used in this study,and a lot of sufficient data have been obtained.Through analysis and research of the data: this paper finds that moving of the overwhelming majorith Oncomelanicas, especially,the longwange moving is achieved with water flow.The moving way of Oncornelania in water have three: as suspended load as bed load and by floating drift.


