
Water Quality Simulation of 4-Nitrochlorobenzene in the Middle Yellow River

  • 摘要: 进行了对硝基氯苯在黄河中游天然河道中的输送、迁移和转化的水质模拟研究。重点研究了大量泥沙对对硝基氯苯运动和归宿的影响及水质模型的率定和检验方法。模拟了在点源输入下,不同水情期,泥沙不同冲、淤格局的对硝基氯苯的输移。该水质模型由三个子模型构成,除了描述水流运动的水动力学模型外,还有描述河中可溶性有机碳沿程变化和对硝基氯苯在泥沙中的分配及其光解、挥发作用的子模型。


    Abstract: A simulation study of 4-nitrochlorobenzene(P-NCCB) for Transport and transformation in the Middle Yellow River has been formulated.The paper focuses attention on effect of suspended sediments to transport and fate of 4-nitrochlorbenzene.The methods of calibration and verification of the models were studied.The simulation results of different type for flow periods, suspended sediments content and sedimentation were obtained.The models consist of water hydrodynamic DOC deoxygenation, and water quality models for description of partition, photolysis and volatilization of P-NCB.


