
Characteristics of a Meiyu Heavy Rain System Simulated by High Resolution Limited Area Model

  • 摘要: 对移植欧洲高分辨率有限区数值模式(HIRLAM)在我国的适用性进行了研究,解决了青藏高原对高分辨率欧洲模式引入中所造成的问题。利用该模式模拟了1991年江淮流域严重洪涝时期一次梅雨暴雨过程的中尺度特征,并揭示了青藏高原涡与西南涡的不同特点及其对形成特大暴雨中尺度系统的影响。这对于进一步了解梅雨暴雨的形成和演变机理及其预报等有一定意义,并具有广泛的应用前景。


    Abstract: An experimental work first to transplant the High Resolution Limited Area Model (HIRLAM) successfully is performed in China.For the implementation, first of all is to re-adjust the coordination and to remove the inst ability caused by the Tibet Plateau.By the modifications, it can be smoothly operated in the middle and lower latitudes and the areas including the Plateau and the Changjiang Valley.Thus, this modified model is applied to simulate a torrential rain process which occurred in the Changjiang and Huie Valley in the Meiyu period in 1991.The simulation evolves the genesis, development and movement of a mesoscale system which had made the disastrous torrential rainfall and flood event.Futher more, by the comprehansive analyses of the high resolution atmo-physical parameters and the satellite images, it shows that the formation, construction, mechanism and intensity of the Tibet Vortics are quite different from the Southwest (Sichuan) Vortics.The latter are of comparatively weak raining system.On the other hand, we found that the Plateau System plays more effective role for the heavy rain event.The final result encourages us to use HIRLAM for the research and prediction of heavy rains in China.


