
Challenges of Hydrology since 1990s

  • 摘要: 从国际水文科学协会(IAHS)在第21届国际地球物理与大地测量(IUGG)大会的动态,展示90年代以来水文学研究中几个值得注意的进展和趋势。土壤水分和地下水质的监测正在和已经引起广泛注意。地表-大气交换过程研究的兴起将有助于对降雨-径流过程中间过程的研究。藉助于其他学科的参与,水文模型在为气候模式等提供参数的同时,也充实了自身。但水文模型本身还没有明显突破。尺度问题、水资源可持续性利用、不确定性和可预见性仍然是水文学研究的重点。


    Abstract: Based on the activities of International Association of Hydrological Science on the XXI General Assembly of International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics,advances and tendencies of hydrological study since 1990 are delineated from such four aspects as hydrological observation,hydrological processes,hydrological modelling and hydrolo gical characteristics.Scientists have paid more and more attentions to the measurement of soil moisture and ground water quality.With the studyonl and surface parameterization,the research of the middle stages of rain-fall-runoff processes will be strenthened.Scale,sustainability,uncertainty and predictability are still hot topics of hydrology.


